SNAP application help
The Staywell Health Center sends outreach workers to the Middlebury Social Services Center the second Monday of each month (Feb. 9) at 10 a.m. to help residents apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also called food stamps. You can just walk in. No appointment is needed.
Valentine’s Day lunch
Wednesday, Feb. 11, at 11:45 a.m., the center will host a Valentine’s Day Party in the Shepardson Community Center auditorium. There will be entertainment and door prizes. On the menu by Chef John will be corn chowder with bacon, country harvest pork loin with mushroom gravy, vegetable medley, mashed potato and Valentine’s Day cake.
The cost is $8 per person. Please call 203-577-4166 to reserve your seat.
Holiday closing
The senior center will be closed Monday, Feb. 16, for Presidents Day.
Upcoming Trips
Flower and Garden Show
Thursday, Feb. 19, at 10 a.m., the Middlebury minibus will head for Hartford for the 34th Annual Connecticut Flower and Garden Show. Please call the senior center at 203-577-4166 to reserve your seat. The fee of $23 will include admission and transportation.
Painted Pony restaurant
As part of the Senior Dine lunch program, the minibus will go to the Painted Pony restaurant in Bethlehem Friday, Feb. 27. This trip is on the fourth Friday each month.
You must have a Senior Dine card to participate. If you do not have a card, stop by the senior center office to get one. If you want to go to the Painted Pony, call 203-577-4166 to reserve a seat.