Middlebury resident Julie Clark, an American Bone Health peer educator, will be participating in a bone health program Saturday, July 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Village at East Farms at 180 Scott Road in Waterbury. The program for people over 45 provides a free fracture risk assessment and information on avoiding bone fractures. Call 203-757-7660 for an appointment. Each appointment takes 10 to 20 minutes.
American Bone Health is sponsoring this third annual Freedom from Fractures national bone health screening event to raise awareness about the 2 million preventable fractures that occur annually. In a split second, breaking a bone can cause loss of freedom and independence. Adults can learn how to reduce their risk of having a fracture through the bone health screenings conducted by American Bone Health-trained peer educators during the national Freedom From Fractures Awareness Day.
The validated, web-based FORE Fracture Risk Calculator™ uses clinical factors and generates a graphic result of low, moderate, or high risk. Given the results, trained peer educators discuss manageable steps for the participants to take that gives them control over their future bone health.
Fracture risk screening events also are being held in Florida, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and California. The Village at East Farms made the Waterbury event possible. Learn more at americanbonehealth.org.
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