Harvesting Flavors program in Derby Sunday

Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection will host “Harvesting Flavors,” a program presented by Jim Calkins, executive chef/owner of Seasonal Catering in Derby, Conn., Sunday, Aug. 30, at 2 p.m. at the Kellogg Environmental Center. Jim is an experienced chef working with local flavors and foods to create seasonal offerings.

Calkin’s program is a followup to a presentation he gave this spring on planning your garden for herbs and flowers that boost flavor and culinary skills. This program will highlight the methods of harvest, preservation and use of common herbs, flowers and plants for teas, herbal enhancement of food, spices and rubs. All participants will enjoy this unique session – previous participation is not required.

Many of the plants spotlighted are common to your garden or farmers’ markets, and participants will learn what flavors a garden can provide for this season and next. The herbs and flowers found in gardens have uses that go beyond what is commonly thought.

Guests will taste dishes that use the common herbs of gardens and learn the steps from harvest to preservation for herbs, flowers and fruits. Drying and fresh materials will be provided for participants to have hands-on experience and to take home and try some new flavors.

The fee for the two-hour workshop is $10 per person to cover costs of food, plant material and beverages, which will be provided by Jim through Seasonal Catering. This workshop is designed for adults or older children. Space is limited and registration is required to attend and participate.

The Kellogg Environmental Center is at 500 Hawthorne Avenue in Derby. For more information, directions or to register please call 203-734-2513 between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday or email donna.kingston@ct.gov.


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