#Middlebury #SouthburyPlaza #SouthburyPolice

Southbury Police Officer Anthony Armeno, left, and Corporal Josh Recupero, right, are shown with toys collected in a previous toy drive. Every year, the police and Southbury Plaza merchants sponsor a toy and clothing drive for the area’s less fortunate kids. (Submitted photo)
Southbury Plaza merchants have teamed up with Southbury police officers to organize a holiday toy drive to benefit children in need. Police officers will collect new unwrapped toys and clothing Friday, Nov. 24, and Saturday, Dec. 2, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in front of the T.J. Maxx store. Cash donations also will be accepted; they will be used to purchase items for older children and to accommodate any special requests families may have.
The goal is to fill police cruisers with enough donations to ensure that every local child has something special to open on Christmas morning. The toys will be distributed through the Southbury Needy Fund.
Those who want to donate but are unable to drop off a toy on those days can find toy drop boxes at Premier Wine & Spirits, Catalyst Health & Fitness, and PetValu during the week of Nov. 24 to Dec. 2.
While supplies last, anyone making a donation will be given a quilted Southbury Plaza tote bag, some of which will contain a “Secret Santa” gift card surprise. One bag per family please.
Additional information can be found at www.southburyplaza.com or by calling the plaza marketing office at 203-264-0780.
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