#Middlebury #LMES

Christina O’Neil, Library Media Specialist at Long Meadow Elementary School (LMES), under the clock, and students in Mrs. Williams’ fourth-grade class count socks collected by the students and staff at LMES for “Socktober.” LMES collected almost 1,050 of the 3,200 pairs of socks collected for the St. Vincent DePaul Shelter in Waterbury. (Submitted photo)
Students and staff at the four elementary schools in Region 15 participated throughout the month of October in “Socktober.” The schools collected close to 3,200 pairs of new socks to be donated to the St. Vincent DePaul Shelter in Waterbury. The event, coordinated by the schools’ library media specialists, is part of a nationwide community outreach effort to make a difference in the lives of the homeless. More information can be found at happysocktober.com.
Editor’s Note: Literature on helping the homeless explains homeless people wear out their socks quickly because they do so much walking. Also, many people don’t realize sock donations are needed.
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