Now here’s a tip – Feb. 6, 2018

#Middlebury #NowHeresATip

  • What’s on sale in February? Get great deals on electronics – including computers – and mattresses, carpet/tile/laminates and other flooring, used cars, catalog closeouts and exercise equipment. Also, look for gift add-ons with perfume purchases and after-holiday deals on candy and red items (think ahead for Fourth of July and Christmas tableware!)
  • “We recently got a cute pot rack, but when we put up our stainless steel pots, it became clear that we weren’t doing a great job of cleaning them – eew! My neighbor and best friend came to the rescue with a product called Barkeepers Friend. It’s a scouring powder, but it doesn’t scratch. Anyway, all the yellow stains on the bottom of our pots came off. And it de-grossed a cast-iron skillet too (we re-seasoned it). Our pot rack now looks great.” – M.D. in Louisiana
  • Fine particles of dust and grease mix in the air in the kitchen, and when they settle on things, it can get sticky! If you have a buildup of this sticky dust on appliances, try this trick: Make a paste from baking soda or cream of tartar and water. Apply with a damp sponge for a little gentle abrasive. Follow with a clean damp cloth. This works especially well on the top of the fridge.
  • If you dye your own hair, apply a border of petroleum jelly to the outside of your face at the hair line. This will keep those drips from staining your face. Apply some to your ears as well, and the back of your neck for the same reason.
  • Don’t forget to wash your kid’s backpack from time to time. The places it goes and the things it sees make me shudder, especially in this cold and flu season.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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