#Middlebury #NowHeresATip
“Small jewelry for travel is best held in a weekly pill organizer. I have one with nice large boxes, too, so it holds some of my larger rings. It’s very handy, and chains especially are protected from tangling.” – T.V. in Kentucky
- “To remove scratches from CDs and DVDs, use plain white toothpaste (Pepsodent works great). Buff out scratch with a very soft cloth, such as those used to clean eyeglasses.” – L.W. in Michigan
- When you purchase fresh herbs, use the leftovers to make flavor cubes. Just chop the herbs and distribute into an ice-cube mold. Add olive oil to cover, and freeze. When set, pop the cubes out and store in the freezer in a plastic bag. You can put them into a pan right from the freezer.
- Here’s a really good tip: “When you buy a house – or even move into a rental – find out how and where to shut off the water to the house. Because when your 8-year-old’s best buddy from down the street accidentally snaps off the top of the PVC garden faucet, you’ll want to know right away. Trust me on this.” – J.D. in Florida
- The popular Altoids mint tins make great sewing kits when you’re done with your mints. Just add various thread colors, wrapped around a tiny square of cardboard. You could even pre-thread them on a needle. Include buttons and a small snipper.
- Save up vegetable scraps, bones and shellfish waste to make flavorful vegetable broth, bone broth and seafood stock.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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