#Middlebury #MiddleburyLandTrust

Middlebury Land Trust member Wayne Foote pauses during a hike on trust property. He will lead a hike on the Foote Path Saturday, June 2, as part of the National Trails Day celebration. (Alice Hallaran photo)
Hikes and other outdoor events planned all over Connecticut for National Trails Day on Saturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3, include a Saturday hike here in Middlebury. According to the Connecticut Forest and Park Association, “Connecticut is proud to host the largest National Trails Day celebration in the nation. Although we are a state small in size, we are big on outdoor fun!”
All of Connecticut’s 240 events scheduled for that weekend are free and have a volunteer guide. They include the usual runs, hikes and walks but also paddles and bike rides.
The Middlebury hike along the Foote Path is scheduled for Saturday, June 2, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with a rain date of Sunday, June 3, at the same time. The trail covers the roughly three miles from Sperry Pond to Abbott Pond. No pre-registration is required; just show up at the meeting place listed below ready to enjoy the hike and the woods.
The hike will be led by the person who blazed (marked) the trail, Wayne Foote. He said he marked it with blue blazes to correspond with the color chosen by the Connecticut Forest and Park Association when they first established the Blue-Blazed Hiking Trails in Connecticut in 1929. Foote, who has been leading hikes for many years, said the trail was named after his family, which was instrumental in establishing the Middlebury Land Trust.
Don’t be daunted by the hours allotted. Those times include collecting the group at the beginning, and refreshments provided by the Foote family at the end. For those who might need this, there are also opportunities for exiting the hike at the one- and two-mile points, with a shuttle back to the beginning.
Participants should meet at 136 Breakneck Hill Road (Foote’s home). The driveway has, appropriately, a vertical sign with a hiker and the number. A shuttle will take people to the start of the hike at the dam on Sperry Pond. This arrangement recognizes that parking for more than a car or two at that location is very difficult.
The hike will proceed from there to Abbott Pond along a trail that is mostly on Middlebury Land Trust-owned or conserved properties, with some brief stretches over private land with permission of the owners. While most of the trail is blazed, this writer does suggest going on the guided hike if you are interested in hiking the full length; this path is not listed in any guide books. Dogs that are friendly and leashed are also welcome.
The hike will be led by three generations of the Foote family whose ages range from 15 to 84. There also will be a canine leader, Maxie, a member of the Foote family.
While this hike is suitable for all ages, the terrain covered is quite varied and includes parts that are a bit steep and can be muddy, especially if it has rained recently. Foote said improving some parts of this trail would make a great Eagle Scout project.
Wearing long pants, sturdy shoes or hiking boots and taking tick precautions (repellent spray for example) are recommended. Dogs who are friendly and leashed are welcome.
Another feature of the hike is geocaching, and Wayne is an enthusiastic instructor for this activity. He said that here are 10-15 geocaches to be found along this route.
Wayne has a long history of rambling around the trails and paths of Middlebury.
He said about his love for these hikes, “The trail is like a magic carpet. You see what looks like impenetrable forest, but then you see the trail, and it carries you through the woods all around.” Magic, indeed. Hope you can join us.
If in doubt as to the weather Saturday, call Foote at 203-758-2854.
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