#Middlebury #NowHeresATip
When you replace batteries, write the date of installation on the actual battery with a permanent marker.
- “Get a sock bag for your laundry room. In our house, all stray socks go in the bag. Sometimes I will find a lone sock in a dresser drawer or under the bed. Chances are good I’ll find its mate in the sock bag.” – I.L. in Pennsylvania
- “If you’re cooking ribs for a large group, you should use a small cooler to store them. I have two. I cook my ribs in the oven, then finish them on the grill. So, cooked ribs out of the oven go in a small blue cooler, and when they are finished on the grill and I’m ready to grill the next batch, they go in a red one. These are ready to eat. They don’t lose much heat this way, and the meat will fall right off the bone.” – T.S. in North Carolina
- “I sew a lot and do alterations for many people. I have found that if I use invisible thread for the top thread and change bobbins for different colors that I save a lot of time not threading the needle every time I do a different-colored garment.” – J.S. via e-mail
- Dollar-store game hack: “I purchased a set of laundry bags at the dollar store. I use them to keep our building sets intact inside a larger container for Legos. The bags are mesh, and they don’t bubble up and waste space like the plastic zipper-close bags.” – H.K. in Missouri
- If you keep a couple of crackers in your sugar jar, they will keep the sugar from caking. Plain saltine crackers work best, especially the no-salt kind.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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