How to discourage high-flying cats

#Middlebury #PawsCorner

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I’m writing in response to your article on the cat that insisted on jumping up on everything and getting to as high a perch as possible. I also have a “jumper.” Often, he’s an “attention jumper.” For instance, if I’m on the phone, he’ll jump on the stove to get my attention.

What worked for me – a little, at least – was placing an aluminum pie plate on top of any area where I didn’t want him to go. For example, I keep one on top of the stove and one on top of the refrigerator. When the cat jumps up and lands on a pie plate or knocks it onto the floor, it makes a loud noise. That alerts me, and the noise usually startles him so that he jumps back down. The pie plates also make an unstable surface to jump on, which Charlie doesn’t like either.

Of course, that’s not the only annoying thing my cat does! But I’ve had to pick my battles. – Christine P., via email

DEAR CHRISTINE: That sounds like an effective solution! Of course, you’re placing the pie plates onto very stable surfaces, so the cat will land safely and can jump away safely.

For higher perches like bookshelves and wall shelves, a cat’s ungraceful exit could send knickknacks or books flying. So, owners, if you intend to try this solution, make sure that shelves are stable and remove any items that might fall.

Readers, do you have any other solutions for keeping cats off counters or other areas? Let your fellow cat owners know!

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