Husband needs to stop barking at dog


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Whenever our dog Champ starts barking, my husband barks back at him. I know he’s doing it as a joke, but Champ keeps barking right through it. I think it’s teaching our puppy bad habits. – Sara Y., via email

DEAR SARA: Your husband’s “barking” sends a mixed signal to Champ, and the last thing you want to do when trying to conduct behavioral training with a dog is to be unclear about your commands. First off, it’s just making noise, and Champ probably barks more so he can be heard over hubby’s barking. Unchecked, Champ’s barking could go from slightly annoying to downright aggravating.

Have a talk with your husband. Explain that you both need to encourage Champ not to bark, and there’s a better way to do it than barking back.

Keep a few treats in your pocket to start, along with a click trainer. When Champ starts barking, click the trainer once and say “Speak.” Hold out a treat for him. When Champ takes the treat – meaning, stops barking for a moment – click the trainer twice as he takes the treat and say “Shush” (or Quiet, or whatever command you want to use).

Repeat this each time he starts barking. When you notice that he stops barking for longer periods after the treat-double click, phase out the treats but keep using the “one click for speak, two clicks for shush” pattern. Once he begins associating the clicks with speaking or shushing, phase out the clicker and use just the verbal commands instead.

You and your husband both should work with Champ, so that he responds to verbal commands from both of you. And nix the “just kidding” bark.

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