Here’s a great recipe substitution: “If you do not have cream, melted vanilla ice cream can be used for icings on cakes or pastries.” – P.B. in North Dakota
- “I have four brothers and sisters, and Thanksgiving is always a huge affair. We rotate homes for hosting, but we each take a responsibility for food. A few weeks ahead, we hold a ‘food lottery’ to decide impartially who gets to bring what: side dishes, desserts, etc. This way, we don’t get stuck in ruts, like always having a certain person do desserts. The surprise factor makes it exciting. The host family is always responsible for the bird.” – K.M in Massachusetts
- “With two preschoolers, I have a rather large collection of artwork. I save papers that are decorated on only one side and use them to write letters to family members. I try to write which child drew the picture and the month and year, but even when I can’t, the papers make very unusual and appreciated stationary.” – M.F. in Oregon
- A great way to keep the overindulgence from getting out of hand during the holidays: Keep a snug-fitting pair of jeans at the ready. Try them on every day or so, just to get a bead on whether you’ve been hitting the eggnog too hard or if you need to back away from the cookie plate. Jeans don’t lie.
- Here’s a wonderful tip received via e-mail: “If you have a panic button for your car alarm, keep your keys by the bedside. If you experience a problem during the night, trip the panic alarm. Let your trusted neighbors know about your intention, and they’ll be able to assist you.”
- Use the closure tab from your bread bag to keep your place on a roll of packing tape.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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