#Middlebury #Tip
Studies show that people who eat more fiber take in fewer calories, and if you’re on a healthy mission, take heed: Keep your focus on whole food sources of fiber, like veggies, fresh fruits and nutritious whole grains.
- “Make life easier on yourself. Set a timer on your phone when you put a load of laundry in the wash. That way, you can pop it in the dryer right when it’s done. The less time your clothes sit, the better. You’ll be done with your laundry sooner, too.” – R.R. in Arizona
- Cinnamon in the garden? Yep, cinnamon is a natural fungicide, and you can use it on cuts on flowers to help the plant root. Simply dip the cut end in cinnamon powder before rooting.
- Use cling wrap over the top of a coffee mug or tumbler in order to take your drink “to go.” Just create a small hole at the edge of the cup for sipping, or poke a straw through the center for easy access.
- “I purchased a nice lotion in a very pretty pump bottle. After the lotion was all used up, I repurposed the bottle as a soap dispenser at my kitchen sink. It matches better, and I like having a pump bottle, because it’s easy to get a little bit of soap on your sponge.” – E.S. in Alabama
- “If you have a lot of cans of spray paint, try storing them in a window planter. They are long and skinny, and the right depth to keep cans upright but still be able to see the tops to get the can you need quickly.” – I.L. in New York
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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