There are good reasons to recaulk your baseboards from time to time. Not only will it give you a clean look, but it will help to stop drafts and block out bugs, which can creep in through the tiniest of cracks.
- “Here’s a tip for making a box cake taste like it was made from scratch: Add an extra egg, use melted butter instead of oil and use milk (whole) in place of water. Mix for an extra minute or two, to really aerate the batter. It’ll be gorgeous.” – T.H. in New Hampshire
- “Hide the cords coming from your wall-mounted television by running them through a length of PVC pipe. It can be painted to match your wall, too! Measure the length you need, and your hardware store may be able to cut a piece for you if you can’t find one the right size. It looks so much cleaner, and you can even use double-stick tape to attach the pipe to the wall.” – B.B. in Florida
- “Donate extra throw blankets to your local animal shelters. In fact, visit the website of your local shelter and check for a ‘wish list’ to see if you have anything that can be donated. They are always in need, and so deserving.” – F.I. in Texas
- “On weekend trips to our cabin, we pack a laundry basket for each bedroom. It includes fresh sheets, towels and the clothing for that person. At the end of the weekend, it’s easy to ‘pack’ those items that need to be laundered. The bonus is that they stack nicely in the back of the car, and they’re a snap to unpack, too!” – A.H. in North Carolina
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
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