If you’re forgetful, experts say to “speak up” when completing a task. Not sure you turned off the oven? When you take the pan out, say, “I’m shutting off the oven!” You’re more likely to remember if you’ve given yourself a verbal reminder.
- Lock your device! Just as you wouldn’t leave your door unlocked, so too should you not leave your phone unlocked, particularly if you have applications on your smartphone which can be easily accessed. Lock it up, and be smart.
- “Cut the bitterness in a cup of coffee by adding a pinch of salt. Enhance the flavor of sweets with a pinch of salt. Salt is my secret weapon!” – F.L. in Alabama
- Cut cotton pads in half to double your supply. They are typically big enough for two uses, and you can always use two halves if you need a whole.
- “Use correction fluid to mask a scratch in a white cabinet. If the cabinet has a gloss on it, you can try painting over the correction fluid (after it has dried, of course) with clear nail polish. It won’t cover a big gash or anything, but it’s good for little nicks.” – J.B. in New Mexico
- “When you need to change your password monthly, like for work, you might benefit from this motivational tip: Choose a phrase to focus on for the month. For example: ‘Listening does more than talking’ can be translated to ‘listening>TALK1ng’ for a strong, but motivational password that you’ll have to think about each time you log in.” – T.B. in Florida
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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