“Soak a cotton ball in vinegar to apply to bruises. It speeds healing. Apply for an hour.” – J., via e-mail
- “For our kids’ art and schoolwork, we purchased a scrapbook for each grade. As the year progresses, we put the standout papers in the book, and add photos and jot down notes about friends and teachers. It not only makes a lovely keepsake, but you know when a drawing was done, and it makes it easy to limit what we keep.” – R.W. in Indiana
- Taking a pill? Sip of water, pill, sip of water. It’s easier to take even larger pills after a small sip of liquid.
- Secure small stuffed animals to a length of sturdy rope, then hang the rope from the ceiling or across a wall like art. It gets them up off the floor during that period when kids want to keep them all but don’t regularly play with them.
- Rinse your hands with lemon juice to remove berry stains. This also works on marker stains.
- You know how happy you feel when you get to the bottom of the bag of chips and find all the extra-flavory ones? How’s this for a mind-blowing hack: Flip the bag over and open up from the bottom. The saturated chippies will be on the top.
- Denture tablets are great for cleaning tough stains in the toilet bowl. Just drop them in the bowl and let it sit overnight.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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