Do your kids love to have fruit cups in their lunchbox? They are a great snack, especially packed in juice, but I don’t like the waste of materials or the cost. Instead, I use reusable screw-top containers that I fill each week from a large can. The price per serving is way less, and I’m not adding more little plastic cups to the mass already out there.
- J.F. Writes, “If you’re old like me, put a list of your medications on the fridge to aid the paramedics. Important phone numbers, too.” Too true, J.F. I would add that if you are on a number of medications, keep a list in your wallet or handbag as well. It could come in handy when you are at a medical appointment, or just want to review medications with your pharmacist.
- Keep a washrag sprayed with cleaner handy when cooking spaghetti sauce. It’s easier to clean up spills as they happen than to try to get dried sauce off the backsplash.
- “I have a bright spot lamp in my laundry room so that I can look over shirts to make sure I have treated all the stains. I don’t have great lighting in the laundry room, and the LED light really makes spots stand out.” – R.Y. in Arkansas
- “Use flat, wide rubber bands around your mason jars as a bumper to avoid glass-on-glass clanging. You can even write on the band to use them for labels. I bought a pack of very fat rubber bands for cheap at the office supply store, and they are perfect.” – E.M.W. in Oregon
- Cold water wash all your clothes that can stand it – especially jeans and dark clothing. It preserves the color, and that’s in addition to being better on your pocketbook since it takes less energy.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.
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