#Middlebury #Antiques
Admiral Robert FitzRoy (1805-1865) is best known to collectors for a barometer he did not invent. But historians know about his accomplishments in the British navy, politics and predicting the weather. He joined the navy at the age of 12, was captain of the ship that carried Charles Darwin on his expeditions, was elected to Parliament in 1841, became governor of New Zealand in 1843, and later began to study meteorology and the weather.

This circa 1900 clock and barometer named for Admiral FitzRoy is 51 inches long. It also includes an altimeter and thermometer. Price: $270
He published an important book about weather, made sure there was a barometer in every port, and made charts that predicted the weather for sailors as the first “weather forecaster,” a name he made up. He improved the design of barometers, but didn’t invent the one now named for him. The “Admiral Fitzroy Clock and Barometer” in the photo was made in about 1900 and sold at a Cowan auction for $270.
Q: I’ve owned Imperial Candlewick glassware for almost 70 years! It’s been a prized possession in many places where we made our home as foreign missionaries. It’s survived much use by our family of five children and was used frequently for special events. Now I find it necessary to sell my collection of many pieces. What advice can you give me?
A: Collections of glassware and dinnerware are hard to sell. Candlewick glass sells online on sites like rubylane.com, replacements.com and eBay.com. Shops that sell Candlewick may be interested in buying your pieces. You also can contact the National Imperial Glass Collectors’ Society (imperialglass.org). If you decide to sell your glass online or send it to an online shop, you’ll have to pack it up securely, insure it and send it to them. It’s easier to try to sell locally at a consignment shop, flea market or antiques shop. You also might consider donating it to a charity. Determine its value by checking Candlewick glass that has sold on some of the online sites, and then take the tax deduction.
Q: I have a Puss ‘n Boots creamer, which I have had for over 60 years. My cat does not have whiskers. Every other one I have seen has whiskers. Any idea why mine doesn’t?
A: Shawnee made Puss ‘n Boots creamers in several versions with different decorations, with and without whiskers. Some have decal decorations and gold trim. There also was an undecorated white Puss ‘n Boots creamer and a gold-colored creamer.
Current Prices
Lladro, Thai girl kneeling, No. 2069, 17 inches, $150.
Alligator sprinkler, heart-shaped sprayer, 8-1/2 inches, $330.
Weathervane, steam tractor, wagon, spoked wheels, sheet steel, 18 x 53 inches, $425.
Face Jug, pottery, dark alkaline olive glaze, stone teeth, Lanier Meaders, 8-1/4 x 7-1/4 inches, $810.
TIP: Free Comic Book Day is May 4, 2019. Free Comic Book Day is held on the first Saturday in May each year, and it is the one day that participating comic-book specialty shops give away comic books free to anyone who comes into their store.
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