Girl Scouts promote recycling

#Middlebury #GirlScouts #Recycling

Girl Scout Cadette Troop 64171 members, left to right, Anna Kwashnak, Ella Palladino, Sarah LaBelle and Melanie Redline hold posters they created to promote recycling. They made the posters as part of a Take Action Project. (Submitted photo)

Middlebury Girl Scout Cadette Troop No. 64171 is spreading the word about recycling. They want people to know the lack of recycling is a problem in the world. Animals are dying by choking, suffocation and eating plastic that is being thrown away. You can help solve this problem one piece of plastic at a time! The Scouts urge you to recycle all your plastic, paper, and metal to a recycling bin near you or take it to your local transfer station. The Middlebury Transfer Station is at One Service Road in Middlebury.

The Scouts recently participated in a Girl Scout Journey called Amaze  and chose to focus on recycling as part of their Take Action Project. For Take Action Projects, Scouts identify social issues relating to a cause they care about and then take action to make the world a better place.



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