“Line a flowerpot with a coffee filter to keep the soil from washing out the drain hole.” – R.L. in Georgia
- To dust baseboards and to help them resist dust in the future, try cleaning them with a dryer sheet. The residue left behind will repel dust better than if you were to use simply a damp cloth. It smells fresh, too.
- Need to cut a lot of cherry tomatoes quickly? Try placing them between two plates and apply slight pressure to keep tomatoes in place. Slice through the gap between the plates, and enjoy.
- “Fun summer math game: Using a stack of small paper plates, write simple math problems on the plate. Set up a few empty laundry baskets. Have kids solve the math problems, then toss the plates they got correct into the basket. You can make it a competition, assign an answer range to each basket or do whatever makes it fun for the kids!” – Y. in New Hampshire
- When you replace your toothbrush, the old one can be used for so many small cleaning tasks. Wrap a piece of colorful tape around the handle so you know it’s now ONLY a cleaning brush. Then use one to clean under the splash guard of your garbage disposal! Pull the guard out, and give the rim a scrub with the toothbrush dipped in baking soda. Follow up with a vinegar/hot water rinse.
- “I found a bunch of half-used bottles of shampoo under the sink in my kids’ bathroom. I bought a clear plastic pump bottle and started combining all the bits. Now we are working our way through all the partials, adding more to the pump bottle as needed. I haven’t purchased shampoo in two months!” – A.E. in Oregon
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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