If you have a small bedroom with room for only a little bedside table, try hanging a lamp over it or using a wall-mounted lamp. It will free up space on your nightstand.
- Give kids small laundry baskets to race around the house collecting things that don’t belong where they are. Then sort items and separate the misplaced items back into the baskets. Have kids deliver them to the right place. Older kids can collect any dirty dishes from around the house using a dishpan, and return them to the kitchen.
- “We add about an inch of kitty litter in the bottom of our kitchen trash can. If the can liner were to leak any liquids, they would be absorbed, and the litter does a great job of keeping smells in check.” – Y.J. in Ohio
- Here’s a great idea: Use a three-ring binder or an accordion folder to store manuals for appliances or electronics. An accordion folder is especially useful if the appliance comes with a small tool necessary for adjustments or any extra pieces that would be helpful to have on hand.
- “I have a zip-close baggie in my purse for trash. This way I can prevent small wrappers, unnecessary receipts, gum or other such litter from floating around my bag. I simply empty the bag from time to time and reuse it.” – C.D. in Utah
- Use an old shower curtain as a ground liner underneath kiddie pools to protect the vinyl from twigs or rocks that might puncture your pool. You should always check the ground first, but a little extra protection doesn’t hurt.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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