When training seems to go backward


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I tried training my cat to stay off the counter using the “positive reinforcement” method you described. It worked at first, but now Jake is acting worse! Why didn’t it work? – Greg H., Iowa City

DEAR GREG: Don’t give up on training Jake to stay off the counter. If you continue to be consistent in rewarding the behavior that you want from him, and not rewarding the behavior you don’t want, Jake should settle down.

What’s happening with Jake is not unusual. He previously had a habit of jumping up on the counter, and his “reward” at the time was to get attention from you, even if it was just picking him up or shooing him down. Even though he responded well to the initial training, that habit is still lurking in the background.

Behavioral therapists call this “extinction burst” – a last hurrah, of sorts, by the brain. It’s one more huge attempt to get that old “reward” back. It’s very similar to someone who’s on a strict diet for a long time, and despite seeing great results, suddenly begins talking themselves into eating that piece of cake they’ve seen in the bakery window.

Now, cats (probably) don’t talk themselves into starting up old behaviors. Jake may simply be reacting to an old habit resurfacing.

Keep working with him on staying off the counter. When he looks as if he’s going to jump up, redirect his attention by calling him over. Note the times that he jumps on the counter and keep him occupied with a fuzzy toy or snuggles during these periods. Be patient, and don’t give up.

Send your comments, questions or tips to ask@pawscorner.com.

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