You can rewrap a scratching post with sisal rope fairly easily. The rope usually costs only a couple of dollars, and you can use a drop of hot glue to get started and another at the end. Your cat (and your couch) will thank you.
- “I’ve been trying to make better choices about the packaging on items I purchase, and I’ve stopped using plastic wrap and baggies for the most part. But there are some items that wax paper or parchment bags can’t handle. But I found a solution: beeswax wrap. It works just like cling wrap, and you can wash it easily. It’s pretty cool and reusable over and over.” – K.G. in Florida
- Add a few tablespoons of milk to water that you use to cook cauliflower. It will help it retain its whiteness.
- Remove a lettuce core with this swift trick: Set the head of lettuce core side down on a hard surface. Bring the lettuce up and then down swiftly, crushing the core. Turn it over and the core should be easy to remove. Slice as needed.
- “I use the wide rubber band from a head of broccoli to keep my dusting cloth attached to my bottle of furniture polish. I have a microfiber cloth that I use several times before washing. I tuck it under the band, and the two items stay together under the sink.” – B. in Oklahoma
- “Someone brought a bag of temporary tattoos to a tailgate and the kids (and some of the adults, if I’m being honest) went overboard. We used baby oil to get the residue off the next day. It came off without a fight, thank goodness.” – J.J. in Georgia
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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