Is CBD safe for pets?

#Middlebury #CBD

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: More and more of my friends who have pets say they are giving them CBD oil, saying it has health benefits. Isn’t this derived from marijuana? What benefit does this oil have on pets? Does it make them high? – Concerned Neighbor in Sarasota

DEAR CONCERNED: It’s true that CBD (cannabidiol) is derived from hemp and marijuana plants. However, it does not make them high. That’s the role of the other notable component in marijuana, THC, which is a psychoactive. CBD oil does not contain THC, so people and animals taking it don’t get high.

It’s important to know that CBD has not been approved as a treatment for any condition by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (except for one drug that is used to treat epilepsy in humans). But pet owners who regularly give CBD oil to their pets – usually added to their food – say it calms them down, eases aggression and helps arthritic pets move more easily.

If you’re worried about your friends giving CBD to their pets, worry more about whether the product itself is safe. Because the FDA hasn’t approved any pet treatments with CBD and isn’t monitoring the manufacturing and sale of CBD oil, there could be safety issues. Getting advice from a veterinarian isn’t always possible because in many states they are not allowed to even discuss CBD with their patients’ owners.

As restrictions on CBD and marijuana ease in many states, it’s possible for more research to be done on the potential benefits of CBD oil when given to pets. Stay tuned.

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