Volunteers turn out for MLT Trails Day

#Middlebury #MLT

Trails Day volunteers, most wearing their new tee shirts, assemble at Sperry House June 27 before heading out to work on trails at various MLT properties. (Sharon Randall photo)


Thirty people turned out for the Middlebury Land Trust (MLT) Trails Day Saturday, June 27, 2020, to work on trail clearing, removal of invasive plants and trail marking. The group included MLT board members, folks from the community and Scouts, and ranged from young (the Scouts from Troops 5 and 6) to definitely senior (over 90 years old). All worked hard and made great progress on five properties: Sperry Pond/ Juniper Hill, around Lake Elise, in the Clark Preserve, on the Crest trails, and the Crutcher Preserve.

The MLT thanks all who participated and pruned, sawed, cleared, dug, attached trail markers and generally made many trails better for use by everyone.  Attired in new Middlebury Land Trust volunteer tee shirts, their blue-clad presence was both intrepid and careful – wearing masks and observing social distancing.

The forecast rain held off until minutes after the scheduled end of the activity. Everyone was happy with the results of their efforts, and almost all were on board with a return in the future.



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