Cat raids trash can for kitchen scraps

#Middlebury #Cat

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My cat Blaze has figured out how to lift the lid on the kitchen trash can. He’ll hop in there at any opportunity to get at the food scraps. I don’t want him eating those, and I’m worried he’ll get sick from raw or spoiled food. How can I stop this behavior? – C.J. in Santa Monica, California

DEAR C.J.: I know that’s annoying! Cats are opportunists, escape artists and seemingly expert lockpickers that will take every chance to explore something that smells interesting. A trash can filled with food scraps is often irresistible.

Once a cat has figured out where all the good table scraps are, it’s going to be very hard to train them out of that particular behavior. You can still try some deterrents. When you’re in the kitchen and see Blaze creeping toward the trash can, hiss loudly and say “Nyah!” or “Leave it!” Or, keep a shaker can filled with pennies within reach and shake it at him when he approaches the trash can.

When you’re not in the kitchen, Blaze may still keep trying to get into the trash can. For now, bungee or tape down the lid so that he can’t pry it upward with his paws. Then, look for a trash can that has a locking lid, which will be much harder for your cat to lift up. This will be a huge help at night, when you can’t rush into the kitchen to try and stop Blaze from his nighttime raids.

Best of luck, and remember to be patient and consistent with deterrent training methods.

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