Roll scarves around cardboard tubes to store flat. You’ll skip the wrinkles and be able to find the scarf you want without much fuss.
- On a home improvement kick? You’re not alone. Here’s a wallpapering tip from way back: If your wallpaper is applied with adhesive, add a few drops of food coloring to the paste. It will give it a slight tint that will not be visible when dried. Now you can be sure that the adhesive makes it all the way to the edge of the paper for best results!
- “Ironing intricate sleeves or other difficult shapes can be made easier with the use of an oven mitt. Slip the mitt over your hand, put your hand on one side of a fabric to create a flat area to iron. Use care and go slowly, and you’ll get a good press.” – E.R. in Missouri
- Bright strips of tape can be a great safety addition to the edges of stairs. Even better is bright, textured, reflective tape for low-light areas, like basements or porch steps. The bright color makes the edges visible in daylight; the reflection does the same at night. A bit of texture makes sure they’re not slippery.
- “Here’s a great sewing tip from my grandma: When you are attaching buttons, hooks, snaps, etc., tape them to the fabric with transparent tape. You can sew right through it, and it will help keep the item from slipping around while you get it secured.” – A.J. in Pennsylvania
- “Now that my baby is entering her messy eating phase, I cut up several burp cloths to make wipe up cloths for the high chair. They are soft enough for a full face wipe and sturdy enough to sop up baby food and go right in the washer.” – P.W. in Texas
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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