Now Here’s a Tip – September 1, 2020


  • “Whenever a stew or soup recipe calls for whole herbs to be used and then taken out later, I put them in a tea infuser. I could never seem to get them all before, and inevitably someone would be served a whole bay leaf or such. This makes it foolproof.” – J.R. in Georgia
  • You can use an old toothbrush or nail brush to get grime out of the hinge area of the toilet seat.
  • If you have a plant cutting you are trying to root in water, here’s a tip to keep the end from resting on the bottom of your container: Use a twist tie wrapped around the stem on one side and hooked over the edge of the container on the other.
  • “Whenever I get new email addresses, I always add them to my online address book. I also write them in my old-fashioned paper address book. Sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised by how many people rely on their email address book to remember all those addresses. It just takes one time for a computer virus to erase everything – not to mention if something happens to your hard drive. Just a reminder!” – B.R. in Pennsylvania
  • Using ice-cold sour cream instead of ice-cold water in your pie crust recipe will give you a flakier crust.
  • Here’s a tip to gauge your exercise level: If you can’t get out a sentence, then you are in a high intensity phase. If you can’t talk at all during your entire workout, you are going too hard.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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