If you are looking after baby kittens that are bottle feeding, when you handle the kittens, wear pants and long sleeves. Tiny kitten nails are like razor blades they are so sharp! And of course, they love to climb up on you to get your attention.
- “While my family is still participating in virtual learning, it’s important that we recognize some structure. This means preparing – or at least planning – lunch meals ahead of time. Our house is small, and one of us is near the kitchen. This saves us two to three periods of someone banging around in the kitchen being disruptive.” – E. in Florida
- “Want to be more organized in your home cleaning? It seems many people want to have a cleaner, more organized home but get overwhelmed when putting it into practice. Start by creating a cleaning schedule that breaks down jobs into a list incorporating tasks to be done daily, weekly and even monthly or quarterly. It takes the ‘if I can’t do everything I’ll just do nothing’ factor out of play.” – J.M. in Pennsylvania
- A bathroom squeegee can help eliminate water spots before they form on your shower doors. Hang one in your shower.
- If you haven’t worn an item in six months (of its seasonality), it’s time to let it go. That’s been the Golden Rule for as long as I can remember. I was asked recently, Does it apply this year? I think now, like always, is a good time to look critically at your overall summer wardrobe, but I would add “opportunity” to the caveats. Meaning, if you haven’t worn it because you have not had an opportunity you otherwise would have had, save it. Those work clothes will be important again! – JoAnn
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