#Middlebury #Dogs
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Every time I read an article about a badly behaved dog, the trainer says that the dog needs to relearn basic commands like sit, stay and lie down. Why would unrelated commands solve a behavior problem? – Edward in Albany, New York
DEAR EDWARD: Every dog should be trained to respond to five basic commands: come, heel, sit, stay and lie down. Dogs need to obey their owner the first time and every time a command is issued. That may sound a little harsh, but a dog that can’t be controlled is a dog in danger.
Owners need to be able to recall a dog that has slipped its leash before it runs into traffic. They need to make sure their dog will walk beside them and will sit calmly on command, especially when another dog approaches. Their dog needs to stay in position when told to do so – whether sitting or lying down.
Dogs aren’t robots, though. Like us, their discipline and training will slip if not regularly reinforced. Think about how often you and I give in to temptation and take that second cookie (or third or fourth or fifth). Just as we humans sometimes need reinforcement of good habits, our dogs need regular reinforcement of basic commands.
When owners spend more time working one-on-one with their dogs, they frequently report that undesirable behaviors happen less often. The time and attention that owners give can quickly blunt attention-seeking behaviors. The AKC has a good breakdown of the basic dog commands here: www.akc.org/ expert-advice/training and search for “5 basic commands.”
Energetic young dogs can be a handful sometimes. If you are having trouble getting your dog to respond to basic commands, enlist the help of a professional trainer.
Send your tips, questions or comments to ask@pawscorner.com.
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