“Use a permanent marker to put your initials on your charging cord. They all look the same, especially if they are white. This way you will know if someone – say, your sister – takes your cord!” – V.V. in Georgia
- “I use Milk of Magnesia on a cotton ball applied to my toes to ward off itchy feet from athlete’s foot or whatever causes itching. I just apply it when I get out of the shower, and it dries before I put socks on. It really works!” – E.L. in Kentucky
- “An online grocery order mistake landed me with way too many bananas. In addition to banana muffins and breads, I sliced and froze a few bananas to use in smoothies, and mixed mashed bananas together with some other fruit pieces to make a sorbet of sorts.” – Y.D. in Arizona
- When painting, most people know to place a roller in a plastic bag to keep it moist between paint sessions. An added layer of protection is to then stick the roller (in the bag) inside a Pringles chip can. It’s the right size, and it can keep it safe until the next day.
- “When my curly curly hair gets the frizz, I use a sheet of fabric softener to take the static electricity out of it. This works so well that in the winter, I keep several in my purse.” – P.M. in Michigan
- Childproofing in a pinch: Slip a thick sock over a doorknob, and secure with a rubber band. Little kids will have to work much harder to grip and turn the doorknob, and it can help keep kids from opening doors.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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