Now Here’s a Tip – November 17, 2020


  • “At a home center recently, I saw a zip-up bag to store artificial Christmas trees in. This bag looked like luggage, with wheels on one end. I have purchased two, and I use them under my bed to store off-season clothes. I can pull the handle and they wheel right out, and I no longer have to get down on the ground and tug them out as I used to do. It’s a back saver.” – I.W. via email
  • If you get a scratch in a white enamel sink or other white enamel surface, try touching it up with white fingernail polish.
  • “Try soaking an ink stain in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes before putting the garment in the wash.” (Test first on a scrap.) – B.D. in Virginia
  • “If you have a picture frame that just won’t stay straight, cut the eraser tip off of a pencil and glue the flat (not the domed) side to the back of your frame at the bottom. For stubborn frames, use one at each corner. Then re-hang. Once you situate it on the wall, the erasers keep the frame from slipping to either side. It works great.” – R.I. in California
  • Don’t just move dust around with that feather duster. Reserve it for dusting delicate items in a designated space (outdoors, preferably). Get a microfiber cleaning cloth instead. It catches dust and holds it.
  • To make your own special flavor of coffee creamer, use a pint of fat-free or low-fat half and half and add the extract or spices of your choice. Some ideas: peppermint extract, chocolate syrup, almond extract, cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla extract.

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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