Inexpensive gift idea: On the front of an empty photo album or scrapbook, print out and arrange color photos of your recipient in a collage. Glue the photos to the front of the album and cover with a decoupage glaze, like Mod Podge. Let dry and glaze again. You’ve just made a one-of-a-kind gift!
- If you are a re-gifter, always document from whom and in what year you received a gift. Then re-gift it to someone who will have little to no contact with that person. For example, if Aunt Emily from out of town sends you a lovely soap basket that you would never use, you could re-gift it for your office party.
- After-Christmas sales are a great time to buy not only gift wrap (look for solid colors that you can use all year long), holiday cards and decoration, but also next season’s winter wear. Things like scarves and gloves can be great bargains. And even coats can go on sale. Take advantage – especially if you have kids – and buy up.
- “Recycle in the new year by using wrapping supplies to help store your holiday decorations. The cardboard tube from gift wrap can be cut into smaller pieces, which you can wrap strands of tree or house lights around. Boxes can be put to use to hold ornaments or other decorations, and ribbon and bows that are still in good condition can be tucked away for re-use next year.” – E.F. in Oregon
- “Resolutions are a great idea, and, like a lot of people, last year I resolved to exercise more often. I keep a stationary bike in my living room, and I use it while I watch my favorite programs on television. It has helped me lose 8 pounds, and I feel much better. This year, I am going to resolve to volunteer to help others.” – I.N. in Nebraska
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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