New Year’s resolutions for happy, healthy pets

#Middlebury #Pets #NewYear

DEAR READERS: As we close out one of the most tumultuous and stressful years of our lives, let’s look back and remember how much peace and joy our pets gave to us. When nothing else in the world seemed certain, we could count on our pets to offer unconditional love.

That’s why, as we look forward to a new year and new hopes, we must honor and protect our best friends. Let’s resolve to:

  • Spend more time with our pets. Dogs and cats need regular attention and love. While we’re spending more time at home, it’s a perfect time to play with our pets, to add an extra training session and more walks into the routine.
  • Get pets the best care possible. Schedule that routine veterinary visit, and get your pets caught up on their vaccinations. A physical can head off serious illnesses.
  • Include your pets in your will. We don’t like to think about it, but end-of-life planning is important, and our pets need to be part of that planning.
  • Build lasting memories. Take as many photos with your pets as you can. Make scrapbooks that you can look through years from now to remember when your puppy was young, or to memorialize a beloved turtle, hamster, cat or dog.
  • Help other pet owners. So many people are silently struggling right now: either from job loss, ill health, grief or depression. They may not be able to take care of their pets as well as they can. Look out for your neighbors and offer to help if they ask for it. Donate money or supplies to local pet charities that offer assistance to pets and their owners.

I wish you and your pets a happy, healthy 2021.

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