Purchase New Year’s celebration items that are on sale in January if you have a graduating senior in 2021. You can get all kinds of items for a fraction of the price, and you will be ready with all the 2021 things you need!
- Got a neckache? Grab a pair of long socks, fill each with 2 cups of uncooked white rice and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Knot the sock tightly to seal. Microwave for up to 2 minutes, and test temperature before draping it over your shoulders to apply heat to sore muscles. It’s so nice, especially when you’re laying down.
- J.P. in New Jersey advises that instead of using candles during a power outage – it can be dangerous! – try a battery-operated lantern instead. You can even use solar garden lights in a vase. You’d be surprised how much they can light a room.
- “To trick yourself into saving money, round up purchases when you enter them into your checkbook register.” – S.W. in Arkansas
- “If you’re storing clothes in a storage tote, put a sheet of fabric softener in as well. It can help repel bugs and keep the fabrics smelling fresh.” – M.W. in Iowa
- “Spray nonwashable plush toys with dry shampoo to clean and freshen them. Rub vigorously with a terry cloth to remove any extra residue and fluff up!” – P.H. in Pennsylvania
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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