Line your veggie and fruit drawers with plain paper towels to avoid messes in the refrigerator. Check through produce daily to remove any spoiled items.
- “For grease stains on fabric, I don’t reach any farther than my kitchen sink. I saturate it with dishwashing liquid and throw it in the washer. it works better than any stain stick.” – W.D. in Pennsylvania
- “Everyone knows probably five uses for pantyhose with runs in them. Here’s one I heard from a friend that I had never heard before. Scrunch one leg up and use it like a dusting mitt on upholstered furniture to get rid of cat hair. I guess it would work for all pet hair, but I do this every day now, and it’s so easy.” – G.T. in Washington
- If you have a stinky sink problem, check your garbage disposal. The plastic insert in the drain will usually pull out to give you a better look. Sometimes, all that is needed is to clean the plastic insert – it can collect a nasty food slime on the disposal-facing side. You can also try running it for a few minutes with ice cubes, citrus peels or baking soda and vinegar.
- If you have many books on a bookcase, here’s a tip that’ll blow you away: Use a hair dryer on the cool setting to blow dust off the top of the books. Work from the top down, wipe the visible shelf with a microfiber cloth, then vacuum the floor.
- “In one of my pizza boxes, I noticed a sheet of plastic netting that keeps the pizza crust crispy during delivery. I saved it, thinking I would find a use for it. I did – in my dishwasher! I had several small plastic containers that kept flipping up and collecting water, so I lined them up and placed the netting over them. I laid a spatula on top to keep it in place. It totally worked.” – A.A. in Florida
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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