Create abstract art with melted crayons

#Middlebury #Crayons

Before you toss out the crayon stubs your school-age kids have hoarded in shoeboxes and drawers around the house this past winter, make these brilliant note cards and postcards or a colorful abstract picture. Great rainy day fun!

In this activity, pointillism gives way to 20th-century abstract. Ask your kids: “Wanna just slab some melted crayons all over some paper?” They’re bound to say yes. After all, it sounds like it’s going to be a mess. How could they possibly resist that?

Here’s the stuff you’ll need:

  • Electric frying pan or warming tray
  • Heavy-duty aluminum foil
  • Crayon stubs with paper removed (fluorescent colors work beautifully)
  • Heavy construction paper or blank stationery cards

Melted crayons create abstract art. (Submitted photo)

Here’s the fun:

  1. With adult supervision, cover the bottom of an electric frying pan or warming tray with heavy-duty aluminum foil. Set the pan on LOW heat. Drop the little bits of crayon right on the foil and watch them melt, forming small puddles.
  2. To make the note cards, fold a piece of heavy paper in half. While holding one half of the paper in one hand, gently lay the outside surface of the other half in several puddles of wax for a second or two. Use a Popsicle stick to press the paper into the wax if necessary. Lift the paper out of the wax. The colors should be brilliant and spread everywhere in a fascinating abstract design. If the melted crayon adheres in clumps, let it drip down the card a bit for a “lava lamp” effect. Lay aside to harden.
  3. Stack several folded cards and tie them together with a ribbon and bow or bead for a lovely present to give someone special. Or, write a note or postcard to a friend and mail it.

Quick tip: Why not add your own personal stamp to the back of your designer note cards? Take a stamp with the first letter of your name, add a little poster paint to an ink pad, and give the back of your cards a unique signature.

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© 2021 Donna Erickson
Distributed by King Features Syndicate


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