#Middlebury #Southbury #Region 15
The table below shows the votes cast in Middlebury. Questions as they appeared on the ballot are below the table after the Southbury results on the vote on the Regional School District 15 proposed budget.
May 5, 2021 Middlebury Referendum Results
The Southbury vote on the Regional School District 15 proposed budget was Yes: 1,417 and No: 342
The questions on the Middlebury ballot were:
- Shall the 2021-2022 proposed Town of Middlebury Municipal Budget in the amount of $11,919,736.24 be approved?
- Shall the proposed 2021-2022 Budget of the Pomperaug Regional School District #15 in the amount of $74,794,466 be adopted?
- Shall the Town of Middlebury appropriate $250,000 to Account 01-80-01-6092 (Capital Items from Unassigned Fund Balance) in the General Fund from Account 01-00-00-3707 (Unassigned Fund Balance) in the General Fund?