Fight back against rising food prices

#Middlebury #Seniors

This week I scored a grocery discount of $5.21, plus over $6 in free groceries by using the store coupons. Added to that was $12 in free items I took to the local food bank. All of this is because I signed up for another grocery store’s customer loyalty card.

It took a few weeks, but eventually the store’s computer figured out my favorite brands and items I routinely purchased, and turned those into discount coupons. It included free items to get me to sample different brands.

And then there’s the food bank donation. It feels good, when you’re only a short step from needing that service yourself, to be able to give to those who have even less. The free items offered by the grocery store coupons can help beef up the supplies they have at the food bank, and in some cases might even be treats for those who can’t afford them. I thought about that when I grabbed the mega oversize candy bar offered with a free coupon: Somebody’s kids might not have had sweets in a very long time.

And then there are our own pantries. For so long stores couldn’t get certain items. Once those were in stock again, some of us grabbed several extra, just in case. Now some of those items are once again not in stock, but for the most part they are. And now we have extra in our kitchen cabinets. It’s time to look at expiration dates and consider the reality: Will we really use up four boxes of pasta in the next month before they expire? If not, perhaps they could be donated to the food bank.

If grocery prices are going to keep rising and rising, this is one way to fight back.

© 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.


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