Keep a pretty basket by your front door for anything you need to take along when you leave. This can be store returns, backpacks, exercise gear for the gym, your sunglasses, whatever. When you leave the house, check the basket!
- “Necklaces can be stored together without tangling if you thread each one through a straw. You can cut the straw to a shorter length for choker-length necklaces or bracelets. No knots!” – I.A. in Arizona
- If you have a little bit of touchup paint left in your gallon can, transfer it to a mason jar. Write the exact color and brand on the lid, and it will be much easier to store.
- “Our basement was dark and a little claustrophobic. My husband painted it a lovely sunny yellow and that helped, but it needed something else. I took a photo of the spectacular view at our son’s house in Montana, and had the photo blown up. We mounted it on the wall with some dummy curtains! It’s perfect, and it reminds me of him.” – R.W. in New York
- Need to chill a bottle of wine quickly? Wet a kitchen towel, then wrap it around the wine. Twist the ends to secure, and put the whole thing in the freezer for 30 minutes.
- Great ways to remove stuck labels: nail polish remover (NOT for use on plastics), WD-40 oil, soaking in hot water, rubbing alcohol.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo.com.
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