Some pets allergic to brewer’s yeast


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I read an article that says brewer’s yeast is safe for cats and dogs. I disagree. I found several more articles online that say pets can be allergic to brewer’s yeast. What do you say about that? – Carla L, via email

DEAR CARLA: Pet owners should always research and evaluate the risks of any supplement for their pets. Brewer’s yeast is a mainstay for owners trying to find a natural flea control treatment, and others swear that its blend of B vitamins makes their pets healthier.

It has been found that brewer’s yeast created for humans often contains ingredients like garlic and onions that are downright toxic to pets. Owners should purchase only brewer’s yeast formulated for dogs or cats, as PetMD notes (

Here are some other tips for picking the right brewer’s yeast:

  • Give only the amount recommended for your pet’s size.
  • Brewer’s yeast that has been “de-bittered” lacks chromium, a mineral that helps regulate blood sugar in humans but hasn’t been studied in dogs.
  • Read the label carefully: Some brewer’s yeast for pets contains garlic, which can be toxic, especially for smaller pets.
  • Consider a brewer’s yeast that includes omega-3 oils for added benefits.
  • This supplement can add up to 80 calories to your pet’s meal. It can also cause excess gas.

Some pets really are allergic to the yeast itself, though. Avoid giving brewer’s yeast to dogs with known yeast allergy, who have digestive illnesses like colitis, or who are immunocompromised. Always monitor your pet for new behaviors or symptoms after giving them any new supplement.

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