Cookie sheets make great temporary mud and moisture trays for dirty shoes. Stash one at the entry to your home, and you will have less dirt tracked across your floors.
- “To make your drains fresh-smelling, shake a half-cup of baking soda into the drain. Then pour 2 cups of vinegar that you have warmed on the stove. It will froth and bubble. When it’s done, run the hot water and give it a little scrub.” – R.C. in Idaho
- Blood pressure can be affected by many things, and seeing the doctor is one of them. Instead, request that your blood pressure be taken by a nurse or physician’s assistant. Having a full bladder also can make your pressure reading higher, as can positioning your arm below heart level.
- “Keep knitting yarn in check with empty tissue boxes. Set your yarn ball inside the box, and let the string lead out of the top. When not in use, tape the string to the side of the box. Boxes can be stacked and stored for future projects.” – C.W. in Indiana
- “Try this baking tip from my mother: When you have a recipe that calls for dry spices (cinnamon, ginger, ground clove, etc.), cream them with the butter instead of sifting them with the dry ingredients. I do feel like they become infused in the recipe better.” – A. in Illinois
- Visit the dollar store for low-cost toys to use on car or airplane trips. You can get several busy toys and dole them out one at a time. Most parents will attest to what a lifesaver this can be.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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