Dog park volunteers needed

#Middlebury #DogPark

Editor’s Note: In the February print issue, the email address in the following story was hyphenated because it was at the end of a line. There is no hyphen in the email address itself.

A Middlebury Land Trust (MLT) committee headed by President Scott Peterson is working on a project to create a dog park on a MLT parcel. Beverly Dassonville, who led a dog park project here several years ago, is on the committee and working with the land trust. She also brought to this project funds supporters had donated to her work to create a local dog park.

Successful dog parks depend on a large group of volunteers to put in the time, effort and hard work that keeps a dog park running. With that in mind, the committee needs to establish a list of volunteers to help handle the various tasks associated with running a dog park.

If you can volunteer to help, please send your name, email address and telephone number to Dassonville at If you have special skills you believe would be helpful to the project, please mention them, too. Thank you!


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