Sometimes, despite the cold weather outside, we’re still looking for an icy treat inside. In my family’s dessert experiments, we’ve come up with some doozies, but here’s one you may not have tried: If you put popsicles in the blender, the creamy result tastes just like yummy sherbet. – JoAnn
- If your lunchbox could be fresher, here’s a tip from S.W. in Texas: Spray a piece of bread with vinegar and zip it up in your lunchbox overnight to clear out smells.
- “You don’t need to buy a special brush to get at high ceilings and skylights: Simply cover a broom with a pillowcase to clean cobwebs off the ceiling. To clean a skylight, cover a mop with a double layer of paper towels or newspaper, and secure with clips. Spray the paper with window cleaner and heft it up!” – M.E. in Arkansas
- “Here are two more uses for orange peels: Remove all labels and hard parts of the peels. Toss orange peels in a quart Mason jar. When full, fill with vinegar and set in warm place for two weeks. Strain into spray bottle, then discard peels. Makes an excellent disinfectant and ant killer. Or, dry orange peels. When crisp-dry, break into pieces and toss in a blender, then blend to a powder. Put in airtight container to sprinkle on fruit salads or use for orange zest.” – B.C. in New Hampshire
- Pinprick hole in your rubber glove? Put the glove on and paint the hole with nail polish. It’ll seal up a small hole, making the glove usable again.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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