Lettuce will last longer if you store it in the crisper drawer in a clean paper bag.
- “Try using an empty glass wine bottle (remove the label) for rolling out pie crust or any dough. It is the best thing I’ve ever used … nothing sticks to the glass, unlike my wooden rolling pin, which is now in the back of my cabinet for good after using it for decades!” – L.F. in Texas
- Peas, spinach, sweet potato, squash and carrots can be pureed and added to baked goods to increase fiber and nutrients. They are especially useful in soups to thicken a broth without adding fat. You can sneak some veggies into unexpected places, too – like cookies, pancake batter and pasta dishes, or make a flavorful sandwich spread.
- “When you get a new pair of running shoes, treat the insides with spray starch. We have always done this, and it keeps them fresher longer.” – S.M. in Indiana
- Tubes make it easy to access toothpaste when they are full, but it’s sometimes hard to get that last bit out. Here’s a tip from C.W. in Oregon: “To get the last bit of a tube of toothpaste to come out, run the tube under warm water for a few seconds. There’s more still in there than you think!”
- It’s easy to sort hardware using a muffin pan. If you get a pan that has 12 depressions, you can line up nails and screws and such according to size, making it even more convenient.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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