For moister and softer cookies, use honey as a substitute for a third of the sugar in your cookie recipe.
- And speaking of honey, did you know it has antibacterial properties? Yep! Try rubbing a bit of it over a small cut for faster, more natural healing.
- “Keep Venetian blinds from sticking to one another and discourage dust by rubbing them down individually with a sheet of fabric softener. This effect will last at least a month, in my experience.” – S.F. in Alabama
- “Have a headache? Try drinking a couple of glasses of a sports drink. This works for my friends and me. Maybe we just need to be drinking more water, but the sports drinks get us back on track more quickly than medicine most times.” – E.L. in Colorado
- “This time-tested tip will keep your houseplants in the green while you’re away from home: Set plants in the bathtub in an inch or less of water. If your flowerpot does not have drain holes, get a short length of cotton rope and feed it from the topsoil to the tub. This will keep plants alive and thriving for a week or more.” – D.R. in Florida
- “Having a hard time cutting out soda? Try this: Every time you reach for a glass of soda, drink a full cup of water first. You will find that your thirst is sated better, and you are not as ‘thirsty’ for that sugar water!” – F.E. in South Carolina
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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