“I finally got a new car, and there’s no cassette player in it. I have a pretty large library of music on tapes, so I was a little bummed. My wife got me a little device that looks like an old Walkman, and it hooks up to the computer. I can convert my cassettes to digital songs, which I can burn onto CDs. It would cost hundreds of dollars to re-buy all that music, and there are some tapes that I couldn’t replace even if I had the money, so this is great.” – C.C. in Ohio
- “I love old books, and there are always a few I am looking for that are out of print. It seems like when I get inside a used-book store, I forget everything. So I made a card that I keep in my wallet and on it I list all the authors or titles I am after. This way, I have it handy all the time.” – C.D. in Florida
- Apricots are a relative of the peach, and they can be ripened just like a peach can – in a paper bag on the counter. They should be refrigerated when ripe.
- “I went to a tag sale and purchased a set of really cute flowerpots for barely anything. I like them so much that I am using them inside my house. They are holding utensils in the kitchen, and remotes and other odds and ends in the living room. They are great!” – S.I. in Texas
- Laundry baskets can be your best friends when decluttering the house. Go from room to room collecting the clutter in a laundry basket, then bring it to a central location to sort and redistribute items that belong in each room.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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