A Tip From JoAnn: I like bottled water, but it’s expensive and creates a lot of waste. I have plenty of reusable bottles, but bottled water always seemed more convenient and, frankly, better. I found that what I really like is to take a bottle of very cold water out of the fridge and drink it, so instead of storing those reusable bottles in the cabinet, I fill them straight from the dishwasher and put them in the fridge. Now I have the convenience of bottled water without spending the money, and I happily am not creating waste.
- To remove stubborn contact paper from kitchen shelves, use a hair dryer set on low to loosen the adhesive. Peel away slowly.
- Here’s a trick for removing hard-water stains on windows or glass doors: Apply full-strength fabric softener to surface. Let dry, then use a wet cloth to remove, rinsing the cloth frequently.
- “Hang a bag of clothespins near the laundry basket. Then if something has a stain that needs to be addressed, put a clip on it before adding it to the basket. This way, you’ll know what to pretreat on wash day.” – D.W. in Washington
- “To keep pants on a hanger from creasing, I slit a paper towel cardboard roll and slip it over the hanger. I tape it together and then put the pants over it. This has worked for me for many years.” – I.R. in Nebraska
- Got a grease stain on your shirt? Cover it with baking soda right away. The baking soda will absorb oil. Repeat several times and launder as quickly as you can.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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