#MiddleburyCT #Antiques #PosterArt
This 1894 poster could have been made for an Olympic event in the early 1900s or well into the 20th century. Tandem bicycling was a Summer Olympics event in 1908 and then again from 1920 to 1972. Two-rider teams raced for 2,000 meters on tandem bicycles. In 1908, 34 riders from seven countries took part. France won the gold medal. In 1972, the last year before it was dropped, the event included 28 riders from 14 nations. Tandem bicycle races are still part of the Paralympics.

Advertising posters often had fanciful illustrations to attract attention. This one with tandem bicyclists sold for $6,600 at Poster Auctions International. (Kovels.com)
This antique bicycle advertising poster sold for $6,600 at Poster Auctions International. It pictures a pair of riders on a tandem bike racing from Earth toward the stars. The prophetic poster was created by Ferdinand Lunel (1857-1933), known best for his humorous drawings.
Q: My mom lives in Colorado and has some furniture that she believes may be worth money, and she would like to have the pieces appraised. I’m helping her, but I’m not sure what to look for when looking for an appraiser. Can you provide me with some guidance?
A: First decide what kind of appraisal you need. If you want a written appraisal, with details about the age, maker and condition included, you can contact one of the major appraisal organizations: American Society of Appraisers (isa.appraisers.org), Appraisers Association of America (appraisersassociation.org) or International Society of Appraisers (www.isa-appraisers.org). They list qualified appraisers by area and specialty. You can also browse or search for appraisal services on Kovels.com.
Tell the appraiser you want to know the market value of the furniture. Appraisals for insurance purposes or for estate taxes usually require further documentation, and the value might be different. Be sure to ask what the charges are before hiring someone. If you just want an idea of what the furniture will sell for, a verbal appraisal by an antiques dealer in your area might be enough. Choose someone who is not a potential buyer. If the furniture includes pieces that will sell for $1,000 or more, contact an auction house to sell them. They will probably get the highest prices.
TIP: Make your furniture friendly. Chairs should be about 42 to 120 inches apart in a room meant for conversation, like a living room or den. Too close and personal space is threatened; farther away and it’s bad for hearing or eye contact.
Current Prices
Nautical, ship’s model, schooner yacht Atlantic in 1903, hull, planked deck, three masts with rigging and cloth sails, on stand with plaque, 32 x 37 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches, $185.
Toy, Godzilla, Shogun Warriors, green, yellow finger- and toenails, claw launches, tongue flashes to pretend flame, original box, Mattel, 1977, 21 x 8 3/4 inches, $900.
Shaker basket, maple, ash and pine, yellow paint, four-finger seam, copper tacks, flattened arched stationary handle, late 1800s, 7 x 11 x 8 inches, $1,125.
Learn the six collectibles NOT to collect anymore at www.kovels.com.
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