“During the holidays, our schedules change so much, it’s hard to keep track. I used to write and re-write our family calendar, but now I just make a grid for the days/weeks, and I use Post-it notes to enter parties, school obligations and anything that is a ‘maybe.’ It’s much easier to move around, and to add or delete events as needed.” – via email
- “Fasten all buttons, snaps, fasteners and zippers on your clothes before washing and drying. It will help them keep their shape. Turn socks inside out, too. It will help prevent them from getting fuzzballs.” – M.W. from Saskatchewan, Canada
- “I pick up extra coffee mugs from second-hand stores, then clean and fill them with hot chocolate packets, small coffees and wrapped tea bags and a few little chocolate bars. These make nice little gifts for friends and service people. I am on a fixed budget, but I find that I can be generous this way.” – T.L. in North Carolina
- When mailing packages, keep in mind that secure cargo is tightly packed. You don’t have to buy expensive packing peanuts or bubble wrap; you can use what’s around. For instance, plastic grocery bags are always in abundance. They can be tucked into any spare room and they barely weigh a thing. Same with newspaper; fill all the available space so that nothing bounces around in transit. Save your bubble wrap for the following tip.
- “When mailing cookies, make sure they are packed well. Use an appropriate size container, and give layers some space by separating them with small sheets of bubble wrap. My cookies arrive intact every time.” – J.J. in Florida
- “I use a black permanent marker to ‘erase’ scuff marks on my black heels. I only wear them a couple of times a year, so I have to make them last. It works.” – R.E. in Minnesota!
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
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